I recently found this post on the School For A Course In Miracles (SFACIM) website about “ACIM Website For Japanese Course Students” – on the very helpful site (of Lyn Corona, Tim Wise, and others) which has lots of excellent resources for students of ACIM – which pointed out that there is a Japanese website (JACIM) with an associated JACIM YouTube channel with 13 videos (as of today) using the audio of Ken Wapnick (from the FACIM YouTube channel) which has hundreds of superb videos, all recommended. Here are a few of the Japanese translated videos and the original English videos from which they were sourced:
- Beauty as a Symbol: English and Japanese
- Emotions and Feelings: English and Japanese
- Teaching ACIM: English and Japanese
You can find details about the Rocky Mountain Miracle Center (RMMC) including many of these videos and more on the RMMC website.
Thanks to Tim and Lyn for making these available along with all the helpful content! Enjoy! :-)