The Leap! Movie DVD Last night (thanks to Bev and Don for hosting!) I watched "The Leap!" Movie DVD for a second time and found it even more … [Read more...] about The Leap! Movie DVD – highly recommended for your inner screenwriter
JAFO revisited – The World Is Our Study Group
Once again, I'm forgiving myself for what appears like not having the site quite as far along as I thought it would be by now! :-) However, I'm … [Read more...] about JAFO revisited – The World Is Our Study Group
Gary Renard seminar in Ashland, Oregon – Saturday April 25, 2009
I'm enthused to report that Gary Renard will be giving an all day seminar in Ashland, Oregon on Saturday, April 25, 2009 from 10AM-4PM … [Read more...] about Gary Renard seminar in Ashland, Oregon – Saturday April 25, 2009
JAFO (Just Another Forgiveness Opportunity) T -Shirt
Hi all: I thought this "JAFO" shirt might help remind me not to take the illusion of our increasingly surreal 3D world too seriously... more … [Read more...] about JAFO (Just Another Forgiveness Opportunity) T -Shirt
You’re invited to an ACIM skype chat/meeting on your computer! Starts Monday, 14June2010, 7PM PDT
Hi all: (Update: 24June2010: We actually haven't started yet, but if this sounds interesting, email me your skype name and I'll add you to … [Read more...] about You’re invited to an ACIM skype chat/meeting on your computer! Starts Monday, 14June2010, 7PM PDT