ACIMblog bulletin for December 2012:

Is the universe a humungous virtual simulation?
Thanks to Marisa C., who alerted me to a very interesting article that appeared in Yahoo News this week entitled “Whoa: Physicists testing to see if universe is a computer simulation”. I say, full speed ahead instead of whoa, though! :-) Here is a comment I posted to my FaceBook page in response a few days ago: Uh-oh, they’re going to trace the simulation back to my mind… Where do I pull the plug? :-) … and another comment: I think the critical component in the test will be development of a technology that tests for causality from unconscious guilt, projected as matter, energy, space and time. As the “The Dreamer of the Dream” section in Chap. 27 of the text (Paragraph 6, sentence 3) suggests: “Of one thing you were sure: Of all the many causes you perceived as bringing pain and suffering to you, your guilt was not among them.” … So as long as science looks elsewhere, the search might seem to continue a LONG time. :-)
New “Ken and Ken” Interview … and videos
Here’s a wonderful new “Ken and Ken” interview (Kenneth Bok interviewing Kenneth Wapnick); check it out! It’s actually on the ACIMExplained YouTube (video) channel. I think my favorite comment was right at the wrap up to not take anything specific seriously… and to be kind, of course. :-)
Speaking of “Ken videos”, I’ve added video feeds (to show the latest videos) from both FACIM (Foundation for A Course In Miracles) and ACIMexplained (Kenneth Bok’s ACIM interview series) to the upper right-hand corner of ACIMblog. If you’re as big a fan of both of these video series as I am, you now can find the most recent one from each easily, along with links to any of the others in these prodigious series you might have missed.
Upcoming Interviews / Webcasts / Videos / Meetings / Conferences / Presentations
More online ACIM study groups and presentations via Google+ Hangouts
Kenneth Bok, José Lorenzo Rodríguez, Michael Ordoña, Maureen Muldoon, several others (including a new group forming in Germany) and myself have been collaborating and expanding online (Google+) ACIM Hangout study groups and meetings; here’s a link to the ACIMExplained YouTube Channel (which has LOTS of wonderful videos) including weekly Saturday presentations/meetings. Enjoy, and join in if you feel inspired to share in the fun. Check back in early 2013 on the calendar of upcoming online ACIM Hangouts for new events to participate ‘live’ in, and/or watch later.
Recent Radio/Webcast Interviews/Podcasts/Videos
I’ve been updating the GeometryCode Events page with upcoming, ongoing, and past radio and internet interviews, presentations, and more. (The majority of the content I share in these events is about non-dual metaphysics, and becoming ever more so.)
Among the recent past interviews I’ve participated in (with free audio archives online that you can listen to) are:
- Your Soul Guidance show interview by Saskia Roell. Click here to listen to a replay of the interview.
- A second interview by Wendy Joy on her Bringing the Light Internet Talk Radio show.
- Awakening in Austin Internet Talk Radio show; interview by Sara Pencil Blumenfeld, Wed., 18 July 2012 9-9:30 AM MDT on Blog Talk Radio
- Kenneth Bok of recorded a fun interview with me in video split-screen format on 17Jul2012
- Awakening to Conscious Co-Creation: interview by Peter Tongue
- New Realities: internet/radio interview by Alan Steinfeld
… and many more on the Events page.
I always enjoy talking about the non-dual Metaphysics, Psychology, Symbolism, Philosophy and more contained within the book “The Geometry Code: Universal Symbolic Mirrors of Natural Laws Within Us; Friendly Reminders of Inclusion to Forgive the Dreamer of Separation” which is available here.
Kindle edition of The Geometry Code now available!
The Kindle version of the book The Geometry Code: Universal Symbolic Mirrors of Natural Laws Within Us; Friendly Reminders of Inclusion to Forgive the Dreamer of Separation is now available. Many thanks to all who have encouraged me to complete it, and all your support … so very appreciated! :-) BTW, if you prefer a ‘treeware’ (paperback) version, you can order it here. Here are abundant details about the book – which really IS an ACIM-studies book, despite the prominent appearance of the word ‘geometry’ in the title.
Just an FYI, even if you don’t have a Kindle, there are lots of other platforms you can read the Kindle version (or any Kindle book) on, including smartphones such as iPhone and iTouch, Android, Windows Phone 7, Blackberry, Windows and Macintosh computers, and tablets like iPad and Android tablet. Enjoy! :-)
While we’re on the subject of ACIM-related books, videos, audios, Kindle and other media, I’ve recently added lots of new ACIM titles on the Amazon ACIMblog Favorites page and will keep adding more. If there are books, videos, audios or Kindle selections you recommend, but don’t see here, please let me know what you find truly helpful so I can add them to the lists.
ACIM Resources, Events, Musings from you!
Please contact me to share what YOU would like to see here, any suggestions for improvements, etc. If you have anything ACIM-related that you’d like to share, please send (or send a link) for consideration. This site is (among other things) a venue for conversations, so I eagerly encourage and await more contributions from kindred students of our Shared Teacher of forgiveness and kindness.
It’s fun to share our universal interests online; visit ACIMblog pages on
FaceBook (my personal FB page, which is mostly ACIM-related),
Twitter and
If you aren’t already receiving this automatically in your email, you can subscribe here for free.
Eternal smilezenhugs to all! :-)