God knows not form.
Thanks to Myra Fidelman for this collection. Here are her comments about this list:
Over several years, I often received the question:Myra, where does the Course say that God does not know about us?In the beginning, I did not have an answer, but I knew it was all through the book.So, I started paying closer attention and notating everything I came upon.This list is the result.I’m sure there are more, and when I come across them, I will add them to the list.Blessings,Myra
The “evil” past has nothing to do with God. He did not create it and He does not maintain it. God does not believe in retribution. His Mind does not create that way.
God did not make the body, because it is destructible, and therefore not of the Kingdom. The body is the symbol of what you think you are. It is clearly a separation device, and therefore does not exist.
Yet healing is still of God, because it proceeds from His Voice and from His laws. It is their result, in a state of mind that does not know Him. The state is unknown to Him and therefore does not exist, but those who sleep are unaware. Because they are unaware, they do not know. (ACIM, T-7.IV.1:5-8)
Everything that was created is therefore perfectly safe, because the laws of God protect it by His Love. Any part of your mind that does not know this has banished itself from knowledge, because it has not met its conditions. Who could have done this but you? Recognize this gladly, for in this recognition lies the realization that your banishment is not of God, and therefore does not exist.
Unless you hurt yourself you could never suffer in any way, for that is not God’s Will for His Son. Pain is not of Him, for He knows no attack and His peace surrounds you silently. (ACIM, T-11.III.1:4-5)
Yours is the way of pain, of which God knows nothing.
The world as you perceive it cannot have been created by the Father, for the world is not as you see it. God created only the eternal, and everything you see is perishable.
For a split mind and all its works were not created by the Father, and could not live in the knowledge of Him.
If this were the real world, God would be cruel. For no Father could subject His children to this as the price of salvation and be loving. Love does not kill to save. If it did, attack would be salvation, and this is the ego’s interpretation, not God’s.
For a darkened mind cannot live in the light, and it must seek a place of darkness where it can believe it is where it is not. God did not allow this to happen. Yet you demanded that it happen, and therefore believed that it was so.
Defense is of your making. God knows it not.
God knows you now. He remembers nothing, having always known you exactly as He knows you now.
God does not understand your problem in communication, for He does not share it with you. (ACIM, T-15.VIII.5:6)
From the ego came sin and guilt and death, in opposition to life and innocence, and to the Will of God Himself. Where can such opposition lie but in the sick minds of the insane, dedicated to madness and set against the peace of Heaven? One thing is sure; God, Who created neither sin nor death, wills not that you be bound by them. He knows of neither sin nor its results.
God’s laws do not obtain directly to a world perception rules, for such a world could not have been created by the Mind to which perception has no meaning
God builds the bridge, but only in the space left clean and vacant by the miracle. The seeds of sickness and the shame of guilt He cannot bridge, for He cannot destroy the alien will that He created not.
God knows not form. He cannot answer you in terms that have no meaning
Your holiness is the salvation of the world, and your own. How could you to whom your holiness belongs be excluded from it? God does not know unholiness. Can it be He does not know His Son?
Your Father loves you. All the world of pain is not His Will.
God made no contradictions. What denies its own existence and attacks itself is not of Him. He did not make two minds, with Heaven as the glad effect of one, and earth the other’s sorry outcome which is Heaven’s opposite in every way.
God knows not of your plans to change His Will.
Is it not strange that you believe to think you made the world you see is arrogance? God made it not. Of this you can be sure. What can He know of the ephemeral, the sinful and the guilty, the afraid, the suffering and lonely, and the mind that lives within a body that must die? You but accuse Him of insanity, to think He made a world where such things seem to have reality. He is not mad. Yet only madness makes a world like this.
There is no death, and we renounce it now in every form, for their salvation and our own as well. God made not death. Whatever form it takes must therefore be illusion.
This world is not the Will of God, and so it is not real. Yet those who think it real must still believe there is another will, and one that leads to opposite effects from those He wills.
It is not God you have imprisoned in your plan to lose your Self. He does not know about a plan so alien to His Will.
Manual for Teachers
Forget your foolish images, your sense of frailty and your fear of harm, your dreams of danger and selected “wrongs.” God knows but His Son, and as he was created so he is.
Clarification of Terms
The world you see is an illusion of a world. God did not create it, for what He creates must be eternal as Himself.
God does not know of separation. What He knows is only that He has one Son.