Jackie Lora Jones, host of the helpful “The 24th Hour – Positive News Magazine“, video blog YouTube Channel series of the same name also hosts a radio show “True Forgiveness Teachings” series on BlogTalkRadio on occasional Tuesdays. We continued our conversations about A Course In Miracles (ACIM) in this audio.
In this conversation, we talk about section 16 from the Manual of A Course In Miracles: How Should The Teacher Of God Spend His Day? Here’s the 6th paragraph of that teaching which advises us to keep in constant contact with our Inner Kindness Teacher:
“There is one thought in particular that should be remembered throughout the day. It is a thought of pure joy; a thought of peace, a thought of limitless release, limitless because all things are freed within it. You think you made a place of safety for yourself. You think you made a power that can save you from all the fearful things you see in dreams. It is not so. Your safety lies not there. What you give up is merely the illusion of protecting illusions. And it is this you fear, and only this. How foolish to be so afraid of nothing! Nothing at all! Your defenses will not work, but you are not in danger. You have no need of them. Recognize this, and they will disappear. And only then will you accept your real protection.” – M-16.6
The simplicity of the Course’s pure non-dual curriculum can be summarized as remembering to just choose the teacher that doesn’t continuously drive us out of our right mind; i.e. simply choosing – more and more consistently – Holy Spirit instead of ego. This paragraph hints at the peace that awaits us when we make the wise choice with our expenditures of time and attention:
“Can you imagine what it means to have no cares, no worries, no anxieties, but merely to be perfectly calm and quiet all the time? Yet that is what time is for; to learn just that and nothing more. God’s Teacher cannot be satisfied with His teaching until it constitutes all your learning. He has not fulfilled His teaching function until you have become such a consistent learner that you learn only of Him. When this has happened, you will no longer need a teacher or time in which to learn.” – T-15.I.1
Here is the description of the conversation from the related post on Jackie’s BlogTalkRadio website:
How to Handle Chaos and Heal: In today’s powerful episode, learn how to more readily hear the voice of the Holy Spirit and minimize the ego’s raucous shrieks! Join Jackie & Bruce as they share helpful reminders of how to peacefully navigate this dream! You have power over your inner experience! Let’s wake up!
As always, these readings provide a platform to discuss a variety of helpful ideas and practices from the non-dual metaphysics of A Course in Miracles. Jackie has conducted insightful video interviews with Gary Renard, Joe Wolfe, and numerous others. She and her sister, Cindy Lora-Renard, facilitate a class on ACIM in the Los Angeles area in addition to equally highly-regarded workshops on “The Course.” Jackie’s first book, All Peace, No Pieces is a valuable addition to any Course student’s library, regardless of their level of familiarity with the Course’s ideas, with some particularly fun and insightful metaphors from the Wizard of Oz movie.
This audio recording was made Tuesday, August 4, 2020.
Here are more ACIM-related conversations with Jackie Lora Jones and Bruce Rawles.