Once again, I’m forgiving myself for what appears like not having the site quite as far along as I thought it would be by now! :-) However, I’m confident that it’s evolving according to a plan far superior to anything I could devise. Meanwhile, here’s an email (slightly modified) that I sent to one of our local ACIM/DU study groups recently:
The World Is Our Study Group:
Allowing the Personal to Guide Us Back To The Transpersonal
During last night’s ACIM/DU Study Group, I was observing the dialogue and appreciating how we all practiced, each in our “own” way, the shared intention of returning to source, to essence, to unity and wholeness. It was more than just about following a prescribed agenda; ostensibly we come together to read and talk about A Course In Miracles and related books and media (like the work of Gary Renard, Kenneth Wapnick, Brent Haskell and others). We can (and do) all do this “on our own.” I think I’m starting to catch on to what Gary’s teachers suggest as the true purpose of (any) relationship: forgiveness! I was noticing within myself, and as I “checked in” around the room, the recognition that as each “individual” shared their stories and experiences, the “others” slowly but surely added their strength, support and love to the person speaking; releasing attachment to personal agendas, trusting in the transpersonal (Holy Spirit), to validate the stories, but more importantly to acknowledge the true eternal being of what we ARE as one, expressing as “individuals.” Perhaps this is why we all seemed to resonate with the idea of silent meditation and savoring the serenity of the closing meditation that was offered again.
We’re writing this together! It appears that I’m sitting in my office at my computer, yet when I allow the truth to settle in, I realize that all of you are here within me. I can (and do!) vividly imagine each of your smiling faces as I go around the room last night and I also include those who haven’t attended for a while, or even those who are on the email list but haven’t yet made it to a single “meeting.” After all, aren’t meetings in our mind? :-) This seems like such a perfect opportunity to demolish the illusion of specialness and separation. I just went through the list of folks on this email list, and if everyone showed up there would be 42 of us! (The meaning of life for Douglas Adams fans! :-) The point is, we can make the best use of our seeming time together by extending that feeling of oneness throughout each day. As we “tune in” to “each other” with what might be called telepathy, we can directly access the transformative power of infinite support that is our combined wisdom, levity, and peace. I do this as often as I can remember by mentally reviewing the “smiles around the room” and remembering that, as the Michael Hedges song lyrics go, “I carry your heart … I carry it in my heart”…
I encourage the idea of “tuning in” and asking for the support of “each other” and gradually extending it to total inclusiveness. Sure, it seems easier, at first, to practice this with those that SEEM to be more “kindred souls” at the moment. Yet it also seems that taking the feeling of support and applying it to whoever and whatever is in our mind at the moment is what the Christ/Holy Spirit/pure non-dualistic thought system is all about!
Best of all, our mutual support is available 24/7 throughout space and time. When I think about having friends like all of you to share eternity with, it not only helps me to laugh gently at the folly of our bodies and their little petty dramas, but to emphasize the invigorating freedom and joyousness of our one spirit! We can use the “base metal” of our special relationships (including our particular study group and extended to include ALL) for the alchemy of seeing the gold, the Cheshire cat smiles that remain after the form no longer holds us captive. Why not bring the darkness (phantom egoic menace) of specialness (e.g. thoughts like I can only be peaceful with my “special friends”) to the light? Our attachments and aversions (the things we think we need; including ANY agendas :-) can be lovingly placed on the altar of forgiveness which becomes an alchemical crucible for sustaining comfort and support!
In one of the first metaphysical books that inspired me in the early 1970s (Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East by Baird Spalding), there is a recitation by Jesus called “The Light.” In it, there are 6 “keywords” that apply wonderfully to the feeling that I experience when I engage in this quantum support/forgiveness practice: life, love, strength, purity, beauty and perfection. These qualities are evident in this thought system which goes way beyond a theoretical understanding. When I “imagine” the unity that we all share, I feel the reality of our oneness that cannot be threatened by anything space or time can throw at it! :-)
Here are the words of “The Light” (from Volume 3, page 45):
As I stand alone in Your Great Silence, God my Father, in the midst of me there blazes a pure light and it fills every atom of my whole being with its great radiance. Life, Love, Strength, Purity, Beauty, Perfection, stand forth in all dominion within me. As I gaze into the very heart of this light, I see another light – liquid, soft, golden white and radiantly luminous – absorbing, mothering, and giving forth the caressing fire of the Greater Light.
Now I know that I am God and one with God’s whole Universe. I whisper to God my Father and I am undisturbed.
Yet in this complete silence there exists God’s Greatest Activity. Again, I am undisturbed and complete silence is all about me. Now the radiance of this light spreads to God’s vast universe and everywhere I know there is God’s conscious Life. Again I say fearlessly, I am God; I am silent and unafraid.
I lift the Christ high within me and sing God’s praise. In the tones of my music inspiration hums. Louder and louder within me the Great Mother sings of new life. Louder and clearer with each new day, inspiration is lifting my conscious thought until it is attuned to God’s rhythm. Again I lift the Christ high and give close ear that I may hear the glad music. My keynote is harmony and the theme of my song is God and God seal my song as Truth.
I am free with the great light of Your Spirit, God my Father. Your seal is placed upon my forehead. I accept.
I hold your light high, God my Father. Again I accept.