In this video recording of a very enjoyable conversation, renowned Course teacher Jon Mundy talks at length with Bruce Rawles about his long history with A Course In Miracles – one of the longest … since the mid-1970s! – including inspirations from his long relationship with Course luminaries Helen Schucman, Bill Thetford, and Ken Wapnick, as well as the boost that Judy Skutch Whitson‘s enthusiasm gave to his exploration of the Course’s non-dual metaphysics. Here are some of the quotes from ACIM that Jon shared:
“Would I not rather join the thinking of the universe than to obscure all that is really mine with my pitiful and meaningless ‘private’ thoughts?” (ACIM, W-52.5:7)
“The Creator of life, the Source of everything that lives, the Father of the universe and of the universe of universes, and of everything that lies even beyond them would you remember.” (ACIM, T-19.IV-D.1:4)
“It is hard to understand what “The Kingdom of Heaven is within you” really means. ²This is because it is not understandable to the ego, which interprets it as if something outside is inside, and this does not mean anything. ³The word “within” is unnecessary. ⁴The Kingdom of Heaven is you.” (ACIM, T-4.III.1:1-4)
The conversation covered a lot of ground, including Jon’s mystical promptings at an early age with an episode when was very still while hunting, and another near-death experience that he related to the 5th stage in the development of trust. That latter paragraph has a “way out of hell” hint for us:
“He must learn to lay all judgment aside, and ask only what he really wants in every circumstance. ⁹Were not each step in this direction so heavily reinforced, it would be hard indeed!” (ACIM, M-4.I-A.7:8-9)
At 56:50 in the video recording, Jon reads a lovely new poem; check it out!
As Jon says “Seeing the innocence (in everyone) will pull you in (to peace) every time… (It is) taking us all the way home.” Jon Mundy.
(This recording was made on July 28, 2022.)
Jon Mundy is the author of several books on ACIM and mysticism. He publishes the long-running (now both online and in print) Miracles Magazine, conducts regular online classes, gives presentations at conferences, has a YouTube Channel, a weekly email list of inspiring messages, and much more.