This online, on-demand conference is available until October, 2015. Please join Amy Torres, Dr. Bob Rosenthal, Britney Shawley, Carrie Triffet, Cheryl Ford, Corrine Zupko, Craig Villarrubia, Danielle Boonstra, David Fishman, David Hoffmeister, Earl “Raj” Purdy, Gabrielle Bernstein, Joe Wolfe, John Mark Stroud, Jon Mundy, Kandace Jones, Kenneth Bok, Lisa Natoli, Lorri Coburn, Maria Felipe, Maureen Muldoon, Myron Jones, Nouk Sanchez, Susan Dugan, Tony Ponticello, and me (Bruce Rawles) for the inaugural 2014 Virtual Conference which was recorded on October 17-19, 2014. Here is a list of speakers, details about the virtual conference, and a link to register for the event.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Even if you can’t make the conference live, you will be able to access all videos and audios after the conference is over.
The theme of this first virtual conference is “Healing the Mind through ACIM.” My presentation was: “Lowering our shields of oblivion: Following our Inner Kindness Teacher beyond the imagined need for defenses back to the Peace of Perfect Oneness we never left.”