ACIMblog bulletin for November 2013:
Doug Sparks presentation and workshop at Rocky Mountain Miracle Center (RMMC)
Doug Sparks gave a morning presentation and workshop at RMMC on October 13, 2013; I’ll have the audio from both of these (and others in my recording backlog) uploaded here soon; both excellent. It’s always a joy to attend talks given by this long-time student of Ken Wapnick, as he shares – with warmth and insight – the depth of the importance of being kindly mindful as we apply our forgiveness lessons. Doug give an outstanding workshop in Boulder, Colorado, entitled “Hope Springs External – The Ego’s Favorite Ploy” on Saturday, Nov. 23, 2013. If you’re interested in upcoming talks and workshops by Doug, contact Nieca Sparks for details.
Meanwhile, here’s a new audio from a talk earlier this year (17Feb2013) by Doug at RMMC entitled: Getting Past The Mythology of A Course In Miracles.
Here’s a prior talk by Doug at RMMC from 2012 entitled “A Garden Ephiphany”.
Love Has Forgotten No One – Gary Renard’s new book
I’m already re-reading the superb 3rd book by Gary Renard, Love Has Forgotten No One, which is available on Kindle and in paperback. Definitely worth the wait if you’ve waited a while, like many of us did! If you haven’t already read Gary’s first two books, I recommend reading (or re-reading) them first, since the third book builds on the foundation of pure non-dualistic thought that was established in the first two books. I’ve been reading from this book on ACIMGather on Saturday mornings (7:30-8AM Mountain Time) lately, so if you want to tune in, please join us; there are links to ACIMGather toward the middle of the Resources page. Gary and Gene Bogart also have some related commentary – always fun and interesting – on the most recent Gary Renard podcast #48.
Upcoming Interviews / Webcasts / Videos / Meetings / Conferences / Presentations/ Classes / Resources
Online ACIM study groups and presentations
There are several ongoing ACIM Hangout study groups and meetings; here’s a link to the ACIMExplained YouTube Channel (which has LOTS of wonderful videos) including regular interviews, presentations and online study group meetings. Enjoy, and join in if you feel inspired to share in the fun. Check back regularly on the calendar of upcoming online ACIM Hangouts for new events to participate ‘live’ in, and/or watch later. Here’s a how-to page with best practices for participating in these Google+ Hangouts.
ACIM Resources, Events, Musings – your suggestions and contributions invited!
Please contact me to share what YOU would like to see here, any suggestions for improvements, etc. If you have anything ACIM-related that you’d like to share, please send (or send a link) for consideration. This site is (among other things) a venue for conversations, so I eagerly encourage and await more contributions from kindred students of our Shared Teacher of forgiveness and kindness.
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Eternal smilezenhugs to all! :-)
Bruce –
Digging your bulletin’s immensely. Keep ’em comin’.