ACIMblog bulletin for September 2013:
Audio – Bill Thetford Talks About His Life
Thanks to Jonathan Joshua for alerting me to this wonderful 3 part audio recording of William Thetford, talking about his history and how it relates to ACIM’s origins (Part 1 – Part 2 – Part 3). As you might expect, Thetford’s humor, clarity and insight is evident throughout.
Sep 2013 LightHouse
The Sep. 2013 edition of FACIM‘s quarterly bulletin, The Lighthouse, is now available here. Always loaded with superb insights and highly recommended! This edition’s feature article by Ken Wapnick is entitled: “THE TREACHERY OF IMAGES”—Part I: Confusing Symbols with Source, Form with Content” … Here is a short excerpt:
“Herein lies the treachery of images or symbols, for they seem to be what they are not, seducing us into believing that an illusion (really, an hallucination) is actually true and is out there to be perceived. And so the purpose of the world: “Thus were specifics made” (W-pI.161.3:1). This leaves us as the “face of innocence” that suffers at the hands of people and events beyond our control.”
Love Has Forgotten No One – Gary Renard’s new book
The long-awaited 3rd book by Gary Renard, Love Has Forgotten No One, will be available on Kindle via Amazon on October 8. Here’s a short review by fellow ACIM enthusiast of Gary’s work ‘Giddyup Mikey’ Mike Lemieux.
Doug Sparks presentation and workshop at Rocky Mountain Miracle Center
Doug Sparks will be coming to RMMC on October 13, 2013, giving talks for the morning Gathering and an afternoon Workshop. It’s always a joy to attend talks given by this long-time student of Ken Wapnick, as he shares the depth of the importance of being kindly mindful as we apply our forgiveness lessons.
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Upcoming Interviews / Webcasts / Videos / Meetings / Conferences / Presentations/ Classes / Resources
Online ACIM study groups and presentations
There are several ongoing ACIM Hangout study groups and meetings; here’s a link to the ACIMExplained YouTube Channel (which has LOTS of wonderful videos) including regular interviews, presentations and online study group meetings. Enjoy, and join in if you feel inspired to share in the fun. Check back regularly on the calendar of upcoming online ACIM Hangouts for new events to participate ‘live’ in, and/or watch later. Here’s a how-to page with best practices for participating in these Google+ Hangouts.
ACIM-related websites and blogs of interest
Inner Peace For You – new blog
Sally McKirgan, who has contributed several articles for ACIMblog, has a new blog about ACIM: Inner Peace For You. Check it out! :-)
ACIM Resources, Events, Musings – your suggestions and contributions invited!
Please contact me to share what YOU would like to see here, any suggestions for improvements, etc. If you have anything ACIM-related that you’d like to share, please send (or send a link) for consideration. This site is (among other things) a venue for conversations, so I eagerly encourage and await more contributions from kindred students of our Shared Teacher of forgiveness and kindness.
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Eternal smilezenhugs to all! :-)
Hey Bruce, Thanks for sharing the video of Bill Thetford. I always enjoy when someone who worked quietly behind the scenes to be truly helpful pops onto the stage and under the lights. Is it one of the Holy Spirit’s ‘favorite’ ways of operating in the dream, to reduce the use of so many trees for our idols? Idol-a-tree. Maybe this way we pay more attention to the message than the form it takes. I have to admit, I would have attended every lecture of his I could, but he was not into putting himself out there, or ‘professing’, although he was a most erudite professor. Balance that knowledge with the casual humor of a Garrison Kiellor and you have a powerful combination in this first spokesperson for the Course. Even his wake (to celebrate his awakening) was a happy event, with friends laughing and extending the love he inspired.