Jackie Lora Jones, host of the superb “The 24th Hour – Positive News Magazine“, video blog YouTube Channel series of the same name also hosts a radio show “True Forgiveness Teachings” series on BlogTalkRadio on occasional Tuesdays. We continued our conversations about A Course In Miracles (ACIM) in this audio.
Here is the first paragraph from “The ‘Dynamics’ of the Ego” from ACIM that we read and explore:
Here is the description of the conversation from the related post on Jackie’s BlogTalkRadio website:
There is no need to shrink from illusions, for they cannot be dangerous.” (T-11.V.1:2) Join Jackie and Bruce as they discuss how to get in touch with joy and wake up to your true Identity as spirit – One with God. Learn tips on how to practice calmly looking at yourself and others without judgment. Don’t beat yourself up anymore – you’re reacting to your own projection! Let’s wake up!”
As always, these readings provide a platform to discuss a variety of helpful ideas and practices from the non-dual metaphysics of A Course in Miracles. Jackie has conducted insightful video interviews with Gary Renard, Joe Wolfe, and numerous others. She and her sister, Cindy Lora-Renard, facilitate a class on ACIM in the Los Angeles area in addition to equally highly-regarded workshops on “The Course.” Jackie’s first book, All Peace, No Pieces is a valuable addition to any Course student’s library, regardless of their level of familiarity with the Course’s ideas.
This audio recording was made Tuesday, February 4, 2020.
Here are some prior ACIM-related conversations with Jackie Lora Jones and Bruce Rawles.